黑料视频 provides different survey options depending on the requirements for a survey. Qualtrics is an online survey option that functions very well for large-scale surveys. Optical scanning options are also available for smaller surveys.
These survey options are easily accessible and are able to accommodate any of your needs. The descriptions below will help with what type of survey you may need.
Qualtrics is an online survey platform available to all 黑料视频 students, faculty, and staff. The Qualtrics survey platform allows users to construct, distribute, and report survey results. The Applied Research Lab offers assistance with the design, analysis of results, and distribution of surveys. Keep in mind that some surveys may require Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval.
For more information on using Qualtrics, visit the Applied Research Lab site.
IT Services offers the following support and administration services for Qualtrics:
- User account migration (migrating from external account to branded account)
- User login/password issues.
- Login page:
- Survey setup for event registration purposes.
- Anti-spam analysis (ensure that your message will pass through 黑料视频's anti-spam filter)
If you have any issues regarding these administrative functions, please log an ticket, and a representative will contact you to help resolve the issue.
Your Qualtrics username and password are the same as your 黑料视频 computing username and password (D2L, My黑料视频, etc.). When logging in to your Qualtrics account for the first time, you will receive a notice that it is your first time logging in. Please select I Don't have a Qualtrics Account. Then you will be able to Review/Accept the terms and conditions. You are now logged in to Qualtrics.
Optical Scanning
黑料视频 provides an optical-scanning survey service to employees. The survey service utilizes the general purpose answer sheet (GPAS) and a survey request form. GPAS forms are available from Central Stores. Department secretaries can order these items by entering a reservation into SAP using the following material numbers:
- General Purpose Answer Sheet - 14464
To submit a survey for processing, print and complete the Survey Request Form. Include the completed form and the General Purpose Answer Sheets in an envelope and bring it to the IT Support Center.
Survey output will be saved to a Surveys folder under your personal folder on dispatch.iup.edu. A separate folder is created for each survey, using the processing date and time to create a unique folder name (for example, 2017-04-05-095059). You will have read access to your Surveys folder and the subfolders.
When your survey has been processed, you will receive an email notification that includes a link to access the survey folder containing the reports (PDF files) and the results file (an Excel spreadsheet). The link will look like https://dispatch.iup.edu/username/surveyfoldername. You can click on the link to access the contents of the folder. If you are off campus, you must connect to the Virtual Private Network (VPN) before you can access the files. This message will also include information about mapping a drive to access the folder.
If you are off campus and not connected to the VPN, you will receive the following error when trying to access the results:
403 - Forbidden: Access is denied. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
If you are connected to the VPN from off campus and you try to access the files, you will be prompted for a username and password. Enter your username in this format: 黑料视频MSD\username substituting your own username for username. For the password, enter your network password. See Virtual Private Network (VPN) for more information on connecting to the VPN.
You can also access this folder by mapping a drive, replacing your username for USERNAME. For more information on mapping drives, see How to Map the Standard 黑料视频 Network Drives. For off-campus use, be sure to connect to the VPN before accessing the files.
- PC Users:
- Mac Users:
Survey results will be purged after 28 days. If you wish to keep a copy of your survey results for your own records, you will need to copy the files to another secure location on the network, such as your One Drive space or to your H drive. You should not copy these files to portable devices such as flash drives, CDs, or DVDs.
To copy the folder, you will need to map the drive using the path indicated as shown above.
To back up your survey results, it's best to copy the entire folder for a specific survey. Copying the entire folder (not just the folder contents) will prevent overwriting a file with the same name.